Jean-Jacques' editorial

- We often hear about the "big family of theatre people", with all that this expression implies in terms of cohesion and mutual aid.
More than ever, this expression has taken on its full meaning within our troupe during this complicated period related to the pandemic, which has kept us away from the stage for 1 year and a half.
Despite this opposite fate, and against all odds, our troop held on, and we adapted to the events, and to the health situation. First, we tasted the "joys" of rehearsals in videoconference: a way of working really not adapted to theatrical practice, then we had the "pleasure" of rehearsing with masks, which allowed us to refine our speech, before finally being able to find ourselves together on stage, without constraints for a few weeks.
Thanks to Marie-Silvia Manuel, our teacher and director, who is the cement of our troupe and who has watched over our theatrical activity throughout the various lockdowns, we are currently working hard to present our next show in November which will be our last nod to this exceptional period. This one is called "down with the masks!": a whole program, indeed..........

Jean-Jacques MAILLARD - President of the troupe Les Cabotins

 spectacle 2024-2025

Pour la saison 2024-2025, les Cabotins se lancent dans une parodie d'opérette "Frou-Frou Les Bains".

L’histoire se passe à la « Belle époque » :  Frou-Frou les Bains est une station thermale réputée pour son eau de source et dirigée de main de maître par sa directrice, dont la fille Juliette, est fougueusement amoureuse de Baptistin, employé gaffeur et maladroit, terrorisé par sa patronne... 
De « kiki-proquos » en rebondissements, de chansonnette en chansonnette, de coup de cœur en histoire d’amour, la station thermale devient une maison de fous.
Cette parodie d’opérette, qui ne se prend absolument pas au sérieux, ne délivre qu’un seul message, et pas n’importe lequel : « Amusez-vous » !

Album du spectacle 2023-2024

3 séances à guichets fermés, plus de 1.000 spectateurs qui ont assisté à l'une de nos représentations !

 La pièce : "Je veux voir Mioussov" a été un grand succès . L'album photos souvenir est en ligne pour votre plaisir.

New show - season 2021

As the period we are living in is difficult, it restricts contacts, it is a source of gloom and pessimism, the Cabotins have just taken the opposite view: with this BAS LES MASQUES, they want to convey a positive message, full of humor and energy. Joy, laughter and complicity are part of this new game played by the Cabotins. I designed the show thanks to their desires, their references and their desire to communicate their good mood to the spectators.

To allow this ringing from one program to another, from one excerpt to another, from one scene to another, television has invented something great: zapping. So let us borrow from television these incessant jumps, these passages from one channel to another, which allow us to evoke cult scenes, authors, extracts known to all, and which played once again in the theater by the Cabotin comrades, are good for the morale of all.

Marie-Silvia Manuel - Director and designer of the show

New ergonomics of the site

As you discover, the ergonomics of the site has changed. For reasons of GDPR compliance and other technical constraints, it was necessary to rework the sections a little but everything is there. Some novelties also and in particular the possibility now to bring, with kindness (:-), your comments online in the blog comments

Dimitri - Webmaster of the website

Quelques clichés du spectacle: Le mariage de Barillon

vous pouvez aussi retrouver toute notre actualité et celles de nos partenaires sur Facebook.

Jeux d'acteurs

Nos acteurs sont de vrais " cabotins".

Si vous n'êtes pas encore venu voir leurs spectacles, ces instants prit sur le "vif" vous donnerons certainement envie de mieux les connaitre en venant les voir sur scène. 

En voir plus...

Workshop for young people

The pandemic has also not spared the functioning of youth theatre workshops, and the past season, like the previous one, has been greatly disrupted by the different phases of confinement.
In any case, by dint of tenacity and personal involvement, the professor, Jimmy Mineau, managed to maintain a certain cohesion throughout the year within the various workshops, whose participants presented the result of their work at the end of June to their relatives and friends.
The new season should take place under better auspices. Already, nearly 80 young people are registered for these workshops for the start of the September school year.

Notre salle de spectacle

Bonne année 2025

Réservation par  QR code

Il est aussi possible cette année de réserver vos billets directement sur site sécurisé par QR Code.

Theatre Workshops for Young People:
Season 2021-2022

Over the years...

 échos de la presse

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